What do we leave behind? What remains when we are no longer alive? Nahman Bialik left behind many beautiful and critically acclaimed poems, his beloved house, and love for Israel that still resonates, among many other things. His strong stance against anti-Semitism influenced the founding of Haganah (a Jewish paramilitary organization, and a predecessor of IDF). Nahman Bialik - a Jewish poet who wrote in Hebrew and Yiddish was a pioneer of modern Hebrew poetry. He was born in 1873 in a small Ukrainian village. Bialik did not have a happy childhood, a fact often felt in his poems. He studied at a Talmudic academy in Lithuania but eventually drifted away from religious studies. He made a living teaching Hebrew while studying Russian and German literature in Odessa. He moved around a lot, not staying too long in one place. Bialik's first collection of critically acclaimed poetry was published in 1901 in Warsaw, Poland. In 1924 he...